To Sarah Jane...

"Love should never be a secret. If you keep something as complicated as love stored up inside, it could make you sick."

Otto Octavius, Spiderman 2.


The Cat said…
Its time you told me all, fik. ;)
KL said…
I disagree. Love can be a secret as well. Take the example of the movie, "My Best Friend's WEdding." You might love someone very much, but if you see that disclosure of such love might bring some pain/discomfort, then you might sacrifice and keep your love a secret. What do you think?
Fikri said…
To Aaki: There is nothing to say, dear Aakriti. You're still my Indian princess (bows).

To KL: Yeah, I agree with you, but that's not what I said. It can indeed be a secret, but see how conflicted Julia Roberts' character became throughout the movie. It made her 'sick'. :> Sacrifice is indeed noble, but at the same time, you'll never know whether love's diclosure will bring pain or discomfort until it is actually disclosed.

It might yet surprise you :>
KL said…
Since you wouldn't know, you wouldn't dare reveal the truth. But then again you are true in saying that it might suprise you if you tell the truth.

Indeed a painful decision to make - To say or not to say.
Fikri said…
Thus, what is pain but for the purpose of living? :>